workshop alpinisme hero

« Tous les enfants grimpent pour le plaisir de grimper. Pour le plaisir de découvrir, de voir plus loin et de plus haut. Si à ces deux plaisirs vient s'ajouter celui de l'amitié de la cordée, voilà l'alpinisme ! »

Gaston Rébuffat.

worshop alpinism hero mobile

« Tous les enfants grimpent pour le plaisir de grimper. Pour le plaisir de découvrir, de voir plus loin et de plus haut. Si à ces deux plaisirs vient s'ajouter celui de l'amitié de la cordée, voilà l'alpinisme ! »

Gaston Rébuffat.

Alpinism Workshop

Free yourself from your guide!

The goal of this workshop is simple: we want to teach you everything you need to know to be able to climb mountains without us.
Whatever your level is from the start, these five days will give you enough tools to make your way across the broad spectrum of skills needed to become a self reliant alpinist.

Trip Essentials

On demand
Val Cenis, Haute-Maurienne, France
All levels

The Concept

A workshop is not a course, it's a dynamic and adaptative form of teaching that adjusts precisely to the needs of the participants and to the possibilities dictated by the weather and the conditions.
An alpinist needs a large set of skills: rock and ice climbing, orientation, rope managment, short roping, knots, gear maintenance, trad or aid climbing... the list is long! 
The Mountain Guides from our team want to be more than just the ones going first and showing the way. 
We want to be the ones guiding you towards autonomy, by teaching you the techniques, but also by sharing a way of thinking & planning that will give you a lot of confidence.

How do I analyse the conditions?
How do I get the right informations?
What about the human factors? How can they affect safety?
Why do we climb mountains? Performance, for the peak, contemplating...or just because it's damn fun!?

These are a few of the many questions we'll discuss with you during these 5 days of sharing and learning, that will of course also be packed with great outings in the mountains of Haute-Maurienne Vanoise!

The Program

You got it, no static program in a dynamic environnement!
We will build the program of the week around you, your needs, you goals and your dreams.
Thanks to our awesome playground in Haute-Maurienne Vanoise, we will be able to adjust to you and combine teaching moments and proper alpine climbing.

Monday and Tuesday:
The two first days will be dedicated to the basics (climbing, glacier progression and safety, short roping on ridges, rescue, rope management and so on...)
By combining on-site and classroom moments we'll be able to see more precisely what do you need to learn or improve, and will give us a clear idea of how we should organise the three next days.

Wednesday to Friday:
Depending on the conditions and according to the goals set earlier in the week, we'll use these 3 days according to every participants personal goal, in smaller groups. You guide will be there for safety of course, but as well to help you achieving autonomy under his supervision.



  • 5 days filled with great learnings and awesome activities with an IFMGA Mountain Guide.
  • Lodging 6 nights (camping in the valley and mountain huts)
  • Food in mountain huts half board (up to 3 nights)

Without extra charges:

  • loan of a tent 
  • loan of all the technical gear (helmet, ice axe, crampons, harness) thanks to Camp
  • collective gear (ropes etc...)

Not including:

  • food for the days in the valley
  • your personal gear (see the kit list opposite)
  • drinks
  • personal insurances
  • transports
Per person, in a group of minimum 4 participants.


You will stay in our basecamp down in the valley, a summer campground close to our headquarters. 
This place is offering all the necessary comfort but also enough simplicity to promote group dynamics and conviviality. 
A place for resting & sharing!

Depending on your projects, there will be nights in altitude : bivy or mountain huts, all options will be proposed.

Informations & Bookings

+33 7 85 62 21 53


Kit List

Here's what you need to pack
Kit List